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Poetry Corner
A Lifetime To Miss you..

A special box of memories
A smell within your clothes
A shelf that holds a photograph
A paper you composed

A heart so filled with sorrow
A room where you once slept
A tragic day that happened
A truth I can't accept

A wish that won't be granted
A life left incomplete
A million teardrops fallen
A major life mistake

A smile not forgotten
A voice that can't be heard
A family left with heartache
A good-bye without a word

A question left unanswered
A dream that I wait for
A sign that's sent from heaven
A pain deep in my core

A journey of the heart
A song that brings on tears
A feeling of lost hope
A pain so hard to bear

A cemetery visit
A flower for your site
A thought of you each morning
A prayer for you at night

A laugh I long to hear
A remembrance tattoo
A day a month a year ...
A lifetime to miss you

In loving memory of Joey and his heavenly buddies
Lyndie Sorenson
©copyright July 2007


.... by Christine Ross in Memory of Lucas Christopher Ross 1979 - 2001

I know you don't know what to say
And I know you really try.
It's hard for you to understand
Because your sweet child didn't die.

Please don't say... "It was God's will"
Thinking faith is what I lack.
My child died and I'm still here.
That's just a cold hard fact.

Please don't say... "I know how you feel"
Even though you think you do.
This pain was somehow granted
To only just a few.

Please don't say... "Life's wonderful!"
And expect that mine should be.
There's nothing here within this world
To make my life complete.

Please don't say... "It was meant to be".
I hate that old cliché.
Although I do believe it,
Those words are for me to say.

Please don't say... "You should move on".
Like you did when "someone" died.
You see you just don't understand
The tears a parent cries.

Please don't say... "It's a better place"
Even though I know it's true.
I want back all the yesterdays
Before death captured youth.

Please don't say... "I understand".
Just be thankful you've been spared.
I know you don't know what to say
So simply say..."I care".

© 2004 - Christine Ross
Revised 2008

Tonight I Hold This Candle

Tonight I hold this candle in memory of you
Hoping someway somehow my love will shine through
I close my eyes lost in the glow
There are so many things I want you to know

This candle says I love you~This candle says I miss you
This candle is saying I remember you
When I'm holding it toward heaven
It feels like you are near
If you're looking down tonight and see this candle burning bright
It says I'm wishing you were here

In the glow of this candle I can almost see your smile
And it carries me away for a little while
To another time another place
When all it took to light up my world was your beautiful face.

Someday someway I'll see you again
I'll hold you in my heart until then

This candle say I love you~This candle says I miss you
This candle is saying I remember you
When I'm holding it toward heaven
It feels like you are near
If you're looking down tonight and see this candle burning bright
It says I'm wishing you were here!

by Alan Pederson

Memories of Easter

Easter eggs... jelly beans
Baskets all laid out

Families gather together
Children laugh and shout

Tulips blossom ... Daffodils
Kites flying in the sky
Light breeze... memories
Bring tear drops to my eyes

Eggs to color...decorate
Place them carefully to dry
Add them to your basket
With happiness and pride

Chocolate bunnies... marshmallows
Yummy special treats
A basket full of goodies
That you did love to eat

Gentle shower... rainbows
Flowers on the trees
Planting in the garden
After Winters freeze

Spring has sprung around us
Happy times for all
But those with only memories
Can only just recall

In loving memory of Joey and his heavenly buddies
April 2007