A cannon ball shot through your heart, or stomach
yet you live and breathe still
you FEEL the empty hole the cannon ball has left
you feel the weight of it inside, as if it will suffocate you
you feel the intense pain of this great wound
yet your eyes see no hole there, no blood, no torn flesh
you have lost all feeling
all will to live
even the will to love
all of your purpose in life
the ability to laugh
self control
you are numb inside
you are afraid of nothing
you are afraid of everything
If you do eat
you feel guilty because your child can not
If you do smile
you feel guilty because your child can not
If you get any degree of enjoyment out of anything
you feel guilty because your child can not
you forget everything
to shower
to eat
to pay bills
what day it is
what week or month it is
to cash checks
to do your taxes
to keep appointments
to care for your home
to care for your car
to care for your pets
to care for your loved ones
to care for yourself
you forget where you put things and search endlessly
The one thing you can’t forget is that your child is dead
every memory haunts you
even the good ones
they flood your mind all at once
fearing they will be lost
days without sleep
sleeping for days
just being in a limbo haze
nighmares that invade your only escape
seeing your child alive and well in a dream
knowing he is really dead
and waking up wondering if their death was really just a nightmare
your child being murdered
not knowing what really happened
but envisioning the scene
as if you were there
like a movie it plays in your head
over and over
he is dead
no pause or stop button to shut it off
it begins and ends on a random reel
no matter your mood or where you are
it comes to haunt you when you least expect
you loose all focus
you make mistakes on things you know how to do
you forget how to do things you used to know how to do
you read, but don’t know what you’ve read
you watch tv, but sit and absorb nothing
your talking about something and loose what you were trying to say
you use the wrong words or mispronounce words
you have difficulty talking and making sense
you set out to drive somewhere you know how to get to, and you get lost
you set out to go somewhere and end up going somewhere else, without ever actually deciding to do so
you repeat yourself
your once strong faith, crumbles to the ground
you even wonder if there is a god
you feel betrayed by him
you feel forsaken
sometimes you hate him, you scream at him and damn him for not saving your child
sometimes you beg him and plead with him to bring your child back
you’d give anything for one more day
but you know one more day still wouldn’t be enough
you want to have faith, but it’s so damn hard to
you just don’t know what to believe
if your child died on a Tuesday, you will hurt extra bad every Tuesday
if your child died on the 21st of the month, every 21st of every month will hurt extra bad
three days have passed and you don’t even notice
three days have passed and you don’t even notice
three weeks have passed but it only feels like one week has passed
three months have passed but it only feels like one month has passed
time feeling like it’s moving at warp speed
Yet each day creeps by while you just want to die
you hope what they say is true, that you will reunite with your child when you are through
waking up every morning with your first thought automatically being “My child is dead”
Wanting so desperately to be left alone
you don't want to see to anyone
you don't want to hear anyone
be wittness that their life will move on unchanged
even strangers going on about their business
the sun coming up each morning reminds you it’s another day of torture
your afraid to hold on
yet afraid to let go
Yet at the same time you don’t want to be alone
Being around people overwhelms you to the point of madness
the things they talk about
especially when they complain about their child
don’t appreciate their child
and complain about trivial things
yet you too complain about trivial things
knowing NOTHING is as bad as your child dying
Being around people overwhelms you
their children doing well in school
graduating from college
getting a dream job
getting married
having a child
when your child won’t ever get to do those things
no one understands you
you don’t even understand you
you don’t trust the world
the legal system
your neighbors
family and friends
The worst has happened
Your child is dead
Never coming back
The reality replays over and over in your mind
Your child is dead
Never coming back
Your child is dead
Never coming back
Your child is dead
Never coming back
it’s been 2 years since your child was alive
the numbness wears off
the full realization of what has happened sinks in
your child is never coming through that door again
your child will never call you on the phone again
you will never hear his voice again
his laughter
see his smile
see his bright eyes
feel his touch
feel his warm loving hugs
wipe his tears
smell him
it’s been 5 years since your child died
you feel like you’ve been sucked into a time vacumn
how can it be FIVE years!?
life has gone on...
without your child
without you...
life has gone on all around you
can you imagine?
Written by Cherri Miele
Imagine 7yrs my child's been gone and I have not stopped crying
Imagine I still jump when the phone rings thinking it him
Imagine how I wish I could see my chil one more time
Imagine I will never be the person I was 7 yrs ago