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Life story
April 7, 1993

Born in Winter Haven, Florida on April 7, 1993.


Clint joined our family April 7, 1993, 22 years after his Daddy and I were married.  We had two teenage daughters, Amy who was 16, and Melinda who was 13, when he was born.  He was a suprise, a gift, a delight to our little family.  He was loved, he was cherished, he was cared for.  And in turn, he gave us more love and joy than we ever imagined was possible. Clint was happy, he was bright, he was thoughtful, he was affectionate, he was everything I ever dreamed a son could be, plus some.  We will forever be grateful to God for the precious gift he gave to us.

August 5, 2003

Passed away on August 5, 2003 at the age of 10.


August 5, 2003 was the day before the start of school, 5th grade.  Clint was excited, he got his favorite teacher, Mrs. Taylor; and his best friend, Dylan was in his class.  His backpack was packed and ready to go.


Clint was spending the day with his grandmother.  I left him there in good faith, knowing there was no one in the world, other than his Dad and I, who would take better care of her only grandson, than she.  Situations arose during the day that put Clint out of her care and up beside a busy roadway.  A city bus driving 45 mph towards where Clint stood beside the road made no attempt to avoid Clint.  It did not slow down, move over, or make any other attempts to avoid Clint.  As it got to Clint, he somehow fell, or was pulled, headfirst into the doorwell area of the bus, hitting his head, fracturing his skull and lacerating his brain.  He was airlifted to St. Joseph's Children's Hospital where he was pronounced dead 8-9 hours later.


Life as we knew it, ended that day.  The light of our life went out just 10 short years after it began...