As Long As I Live Billy Brown
Adapted for Clint
As long as I live I will
savor these fragrances . . .
cherry vanilla scented lotion
fresh laundered towels,
a sweet nuzzled neck
and the smell of the ground after the rain . . .
for both of us
For as long as I live I will
taste all these flavors . . .
blueberry bagels, candy corn,
ripe, juicy chilled watermelon,
whipped cream on a pie
And fresh squeezed orange juice . . .
for both of us
For as long as I live I will
treasure these things...
wildflowers and rocks,
goblets made out of foil,
finger puppets of paper,
a Christmas wrapped package
a warm, loving embrace…
for both of us
For as long as I live I will
view awesome masterpieces ...
a full moon on a starry night,
golden pink sunsets, sand castles
and the ocean on a warm summer day
twilight time and the Beatles ...
for both of us
As long as I live I shall
feel profound emotions ...
the joy of laughter, anger,
fear, the inequality of life,
the wonder of rainbows, new kittens and pups,
Love as between a mother and child,
and the sadness of broken hearts, shattered dreams…
for both of us