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Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
I'm thinking about you and just wanted you to know. Sending hugs to your Mom.
Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom
How precious you are Angel Clinton.You are in the hearts of many sweetie.Sending my love and prayers. God Bless
Lynda ~ Mommy to Garion Hight
Clint, sending you and your Mom lots of gentle hugs. Shine down brightly on her and let her know your near. HUGS!
Patsy-Mom of Vernon Lipsey
Angel that beautiful smile warms my heart thinking of you and your dear Mom too stay close to her and send hugs from up above
Barbara~mom to Michael Butler
Goodnight sweet Angel,you will forever be in my heart.Sending you Hugs and kisses.
Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
Your and your family are forever in my heart. Be near your family, you are loved and missed so much. Sending you many hugs.....
Hi darlin'. I love you and miss you so much. Life is not the same without you....
Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
Hey little guy, you're in my heart and on my mind so often. Sending Mom hugs.
Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
Have a fun day playing in the clouds of Heaven with all of your Angel friends. Be near your family; you are loved and missed.
Tammy~Mom Of Angelica Hatchell
May the winds of love blow softly And whisper so you'll hear, We will always love and miss you And wish that you were here.
Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
Sweet Angel Clint, you & your mom hold a very special place in my heart. I am sending both of you many, many hugs.
Lynda ~ Mommy to Garion Hight
Clint, I think of you and your Mom so often. Sending you both lots of HUGS!
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